Row Widget and Attributes

Row Widget and Attributes


3 min read

In Flutter, the Row widget is another layout widget, similar to Column, but it arranges its children in a horizontal sequence (from left to right). Each child of a Row widget is drawn in the order in which it appears in the children list.

Now, let's go over some common attributes of the Row widget:

  1. children: A list of widgets to be displayed in the row, arranged in the order they appear in the list.

       children: [
         Text('First Child'),
         Text('Second Child'),
         // More children...
  2. mainAxisAlignment: Defines how the children should be placed along the main axis (horizontally, in the case of a Row). Possible values are the same as for Column:

    • start: Align children at the start of the main axis.

    • end: Align children at the end of the main axis.

    • center: Center children along the main axis.

    • spaceBetween: Space children evenly along the main axis with space between them.

    • spaceAround: Space children evenly along the main axis with space around them.

    • spaceEvenly: Space children evenly along the main axis with equal space on both ends.

      children: [
        Text('Centered Child'),
        // More children...
  1. crossAxisAlignment: Defines how the children should be placed along the cross axis (vertically, in the case of a Row). Possible values are the same as for Column:

    • start: Align children at the top of the cross axis.

    • end: Align children at the bottom of the cross axis.

    • center: Center children along the cross axis.

    • stretch: Stretch children to fill the cross axis.

      children: [
        Text('Centered Child'),
        // More children...
  1. mainAxisSize: Defines the size of the row along its main axis. Possible values are the same as for Column: MainAxisSize.min (shrinks to fit its children) and MainAxisSize.max (takes up as much space as possible along the main axis).

       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
       children: [
         // Children...
  2. textDirection: Defines the order in which the children are placed along the main axis. Possible values include TextDirection.ltr (left to right) and TextDirection.rtl (right to left).

       textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
       children: [
         // Children...

These attributes allow you to control the layout and appearance of a Row widget, just like with the Column widget. You can customize them according to your UI design requirements.

Here's a basic example of a Row widget:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Row Widget Example'),
        body: Row(
          children: [
            Text('First Child'),
            Text('Second Child'),
            Text('Third Child'),

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