The typedef keyword in Dart is a way to define a type alias for a function type. A type alias is a name that represents a specific type, and a function type is a type that represents a function. The typedef keyword allows you to create a type alias for a function type and use it to define variables, parameters, and return types.
In dart language we can see one keyword which " Typedef ", in use of this keyword we can create User defined function .
We can call multiple different type of function with use of the type def function.
There are two types of syntax in User defined function.
//Syntax 1
// Pass the parameter in function
typedef return_type function_name(parameters);
//Syntax 24
//Store the value in variable
typedef variable_name = retuen_type function_name;
typedef exampleOfTypedef(int number);
firstExample (int number)
print("First Value is ${number + 10}");
secondExample (int number)
print("Second Value ID is ${number + 10}");
void main()
exampleOfTypedef num = firstExample;
exampleOfTypedef num2 = secondExample;