Dart String

Dart String


2 min read

Dart String : Concatenation

  • In Dart language we can do Concatenation of string by simple putting + between to string.
void main()
print("Vinit" + " Mepani");

Dart String : Multiline line of Strings

  • For writing Multiline line of Strings we can use ''' ''' . for this we can write multiline in dart. Here is the example of How to write Multiline line of Strings in dart.
void main()
print(''' Vint : Hello , How are you ? AI
          AI : I am fine Vinit, Tell me About you.
          Vinit : I am good and nowadays, I am learnig dart
          AI : That's Good!! , if you need help , you can ask me.
          Vinit : Thank you AI ''');

Dart String : Unicode

  • Unicode means we can find and get any character using their Unicode number or even we can print emoji using this Unicode.

  • String are immutable sequences of UTF-16 code units when you decode this you can get Unicode of string.

  • ```dart String country = "Egypt";

    void main() { print('Unicode escapes: \u{3F215}'); // the โŽ• symbol print(country[0]); // E print(country.codeUnitAt(0)); // 69 print(country.codeUnits); // [69, 103, 121, 112, 116] print(country.runes.toList()); // [69, 103, 121, 112, 116] print(new String.fromCharCode(69)); // E print(new String.fromCharCodes([69, 103, 121, 112, 116])); // Egypt

//Now let's try to print dollar symbol

print("Dollar Symobl Unicode is : \u{0024}");

} ```

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