Dart Error Handling

Dart Error Handling


1 min read

Error handling in Dart involves handling exceptions and errors when the program encounters an unexpected situation.

This is crucial to make the program robust and user-friendly.

Dart uses 'try-catch' blocks to catch exceptions, with the 'on' keyword for specific types and 'catch' for all types.

Here , I am attaching one example of try and catch block with on keyword.

void main()
  String userInput = "3,14";
      double num = double.parse(userInput);
      print("Squre value is $userInput * $userInput");
  }on FormatException catch (e){
    print("You have inavalid input , Enter valid value and try agian");
    print("Somthing wrong happend in your output");

In the above example you can see that we have use try , catch and on method to handle the error when it throw runtime.
