Dart Collections: List Types
Dart, a programming language, provides a handy tool called a "List" for managing collections of items. It's like a dynamic array that can hold a bunch of things. Let's dive into two types of Lists: Fixed Lists and Growable Lists.
1. List: Your Collection Buddy
Imagine a List as a container to store various items. It could be a list of numbers, words, or anything you want. It helps you keep things organized, just like a shopping list or a to-do list.
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
List<String> words = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
Here, we have a list of numbers and a list of words.
2. Fixed Lists: Set in Stone
A Fixed List is like a set plan. Once you create it, you decide how many items it will hold, and you can't change that number.
List<int> fixedList = List<int>.filled(3, 0);
In this example, we've created a fixed list with three slots, initially filled with zeros. You can't add or remove slots afterward.
3. Growable Lists: Flexibility at Its Finest
Growable Lists are more like an expandable backpack. You can start with a few items and add more whenever you want.
List<String> growableList = [];
Here, we begin with an empty list and gradually add vegetables to it. Growable Lists allow you to adjust the size as needed.
In a nutshell, Lists in Dart help you manage your data. Fixed Lists are like a set plan – once made, they stick to it. Growable Lists, on the other hand, give you flexibility – you can add or remove items whenever you please.
So, whether you're dealing with a fixed plan or embracing flexibility, Dart's Lists have got you covered!