Functions as First Class Objects in Dart | Functions as Parameter | return a functions
1. Functions as First-Class Objects:
In Dart, functions are first-class objects, which means they can be:
Assigned to variables.
Passed as arguments to other functions.
Returned as values from other functions.
Example: Assigning a function to a variable:
void main() {
// Assigning a function to a variable
Function greet = () {
print('Hello, Dart!');
// Calling the function using the variable
greet(); // Output: Hello, Dart!
2. Functions as Parameters:
Dart allows you to pass functions as parameters to other functions, enabling you to customize behavior dynamically.
Example: Passing a function as a parameter:
void say(String message, Function customGreeting) {
void main() {
// Passing a function as a parameter
say('Hi there!', () {
print('Custom Greeting!');
3. Returning a Function:
You can return functions from other functions in Dart, allowing you to create functions dynamically.
Example: Returning a function:
Function multiplyBy(int factor) {
return (int number) => number * factor;
void main() {
// Returning a function
var multiplyByTwo = multiplyBy(2);
print(multiplyByTwo(5)); // Output: 10
In this last example, multiplyBy
is a function that takes an integer factor
and returns another function that multiplies a given number by that factor. The returned function (multiplyByTwo
) is then used to multiply 5 by 2, resulting in 10.
These examples illustrate the versatility and power of treating functions as first-class objects in Dart, enabling more flexible and expressive code.