Dart's core libraries are like a set of tools that come with the Dart programming language to help you perform common tasks in your programs. Imagine you have a toolbox, and each tool in it serves a specific purpose. Here are some of Dart's core libraries explained in simple terms:
dart:core: This is like the basic toolset that every Dart program automatically includes. It provides essential functionality like working with numbers, strings, lists, and more.
dart:math: If you need to do math in your program, this tool helps you with things like calculating square roots, generating random numbers, and performing other mathematical operations.
dart:convert: This tool helps you convert data from one format to another. For example, you can use it to convert data to or from JSON, which is a common data interchange format.
dart:io: This tool is like a set of tools for input and output operations. It allows your program to interact with the file system, read and write files, and perform other input/output tasks.
dart:async: This tool deals with asynchronous programming. If you have tasks that might take some time to complete (like reading from a file or making a network request), this tool helps you handle those tasks without blocking the rest of your program.
dart:collection: This tool provides specialized collections, like queues and sets, which are useful for certain programming scenarios.
dart:html: If you're developing web applications with Dart, this tool helps you interact with HTML elements and the DOM (Document Object Model).