Arithmetic operators :
Like all programming language dart also support arithmetic operators.
Arithmetic operators means simple math function we can use in dart as well like Addition , Subtract and other mathematical function.
Here , Below I have mention all Arithmetic operators with simple definition and Example as well.
| Operator Symbol | Operator Name | Operator Description | | --- | --- | --- | | + | Addition | Use to add two operands | | โ | Subtraction | Use to subtract two operands | | -expr | Unary Minus | It is Use to reverse the sign of the expression | | * | Multiply | Use to multiply two operands | | / | Division | Use to divide two operands | | ~/ | Division | Use two divide two operands but give output in integer |
void main() {
var x = 5;
var y = 2;
var addition = x + y;
var subtraction = x - y;
var multiplication = x * y;
var division = x / y;
var division_1 = x / y;
var modulus = x % y;
print('x + y = $addition');
print('x - y = $subtraction');
print('x * y = $multiplication');
print('x / y = $division');
print('x ~/ y = $division_1');
print('x % y = $modulus');
print('x++ = ${++x}');
print('y-- = ${--y}');
/** Output:-
x + y = 7
x - y = 3
x * y = 10
x / y = 2.5
x ~/ y = 2.5
x % y = 1
x++ = 6
y-- = 1