In every programming language there are some specific word which are reserved word for the programming language which we can not use for to declare variable name and not for any use. this keyword are only use for the specific work for which they are reserved.
Here, list are of some dart language keyword.
abstract 1 | continue | false | new | this |
as 1 | default | final | null | throw |
assert | deferred 1 | finally | operator 1 | true |
async 2 | do | for | part 1 | try |
async* 2 | dynamic 1 | get 1 | rethrow | typedef 1 |
await 2 | else | if | return | var |
break | enum | implements 1 | set 1 | void |
case | export 1 | import 1 | static 1 | while |
catch | external 1 | in | super | with |
class | extends | is | switch | yield 2 |
const | factory 1 | library 1 | sync* 2 | yield* 2 |
Keyword can make our work easy , such as counting word , character , concatenation and so on. Apart from that some keyword use for looping , making list , mapping and other use well. but we can declare this keyword as Variable this is main point, remember well guys.